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Teaching the book of Daniel in Cambodia

Writer's picture: scottihlescottihle

October Highlights

  • Scott and Scottie traveled to Cambodia for a two-week mission trip.

  • Scott presented to the Woodstock Super Seniors about Bible Archaeology and his trip to Israel.

  • Scott taught a Bible class at Woodstock on Romans 3.

  • Scott wrote an exegetical paper on Revelation 4 for his Intermediate Greek class.

  • Samantha started volunteering at the Woodstock Elementary library.

  • Alexis led a Woodstock ladies Bible class as part of the Digging Deeper series.

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Teaching Mission to Cambodia

Last month, Scottie and I traveled to Cambodia on a two-week teaching campaign. The main goals were to develop contacts to help with and promote our digital Bible studies in the language of Khmer. Another important part of the trip was for Scott to teach a short course on the book of Daniel at the E412 Bible School in Battambang.

During our trip, we were able to travel and meet with churches and preachers in the three largest cities in Cambodia — Pnohm Penh, Siem Reap, and Battambang. We were really impressed by the strong attitude and faith we noticed among the Christians there. That is despite the fact that Christianity still only accounts for only 3% of the population. So, there is still so much work to do to spread the gospel. The church was really excited for our commitment to develop Bible lessons in their native language. One preacher commented, “You have more interest in sharing the gospel with the Khmer people than many people in the church here.” However, one challenge is that while many people in Cambodia have mobile devices, many still cannnot read. For this reason, the brothers emphasized the importance of producing more podcasts and videos instead of articles.

Most of our time in Cambodia was at the E412 Bible School in Battambang, where I taught a short course on the book of Daniel. Teaching this short course was one of the most difficult but rewarding things I have ever done on a mission trip. Can you imagine teaching through one book (especially as difficult as Daniel) all day, every day for a week? On previous trips, I have taught and preached all day, many days straight before, but that was usually using the same handful of lessons and with different audiances. I now have so much more respect for my teachers at Bear Valley who taught short courses. It was incredibly exhausting! Thankfully, the students showed great interest, attention and grace all week long.

Scottie learned a lot on this trip. He had been to a poorer country before (Philippines, Mongolia, and Guyana). However, I think because of his age, this is the first time it really sunk in. As we were driving one day, he said, “Daddy, these people have a really difficult life, but they are still so nice.” I’m glad he got to have that experience so that he could have more appreciation for the life that he has. In addition, he also got to sit with me as I did a Bible study with a Buddhist man, and he attended each of my Daniel classes. He got to witness first hand the kind of impact the word of God can have in other people’s lives. Scottie was also a big help in other ways. He played soccer with the boys while I prepared for classes (and came back home to his soccer team much improved). He helped teach the English class. And most importantly, he strengthened and encouraged me with his presence.

E412 Bible School in Battambang

I was really thankful for and impressed by the E412 Bible School in Battambang (E412 stands for Ephesians 4:12). The Ouch family started the school in 2018 with the goal of training young people to be Bible teachers and to be successful in secular work. Prior to that, Phanat and Chakriya helped plant the Siem Reap congregation, and Phanat was the Director of the International Bible Institute. Currently at the E412 Bible School, they have 21 students, half of which are poor indigenous people who otherwise find difficultly gaining traction in life. Several of the students are orphans. The school has a focus on Bible training, evangelism, English as a second language, baking, and HVAC repair. The Ouch family, and the students at the E412 school are really kind and devoted to the work of the Lord. The Ouch family is in need of additional support. Please keep this work in your prayers, and let me know if you would like any additional information.


-The Ihle Crew

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