April Highlights
· The Ihle Crew relocated from Denver, CO to Atlanta, GA (home base for our new international digital evangelism effort)
· Scott completed the Biblical Inspiration, Text, and Canon Masters course at FHU
· We celebrated Garrison’s third birthday, and Alexis’ (eh-hem) birthday
· Scott spoke over Zoom for the Cambodia Bear Valley Bible School chapel lesson
New Life = Eternal Life

This weekend much of the religious world celebrated Easter, the day of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. While a day should never go by that we forget that empty tomb, the springtime, the fresh life and energy of this time of year, all give us a sense of refreshment and renewal. With old, dreary days behind us, we can look forward to a new life in Christ.
That new life starts now, or more precisely, it started when we committed our lives to God through Jesus. Eternal life has already started. Based on comments I hear Christians make sometimes, it seems they believe eternal life doesn’t really start until we get to heaven. In fact, the New Testament writers frequently refer to eternal life as a present event for the Christian, not strictly a future one. For example, consider Romans 6:22–23 where Paul says the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, but this in the context of our resurrection and new life now, the freedom from sin (6:3–7). The same present-day resurrection and new life is referred to again in Romans 8:10–13. Consider also some of the statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John about eternal life. Eternal life in John is always framed in the present tense. Jesus prayed in John 17:2–3, “For you granted [the Son] authority over all people that He might give eternal life to all those you have given Him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Our new (eternal) life started the day we submitted to the knowledge of Christ in faith and obedience (see also John 3:16 and 3:36).
While life at the end of days in heaven will be amazing, let’s not discount the eternal life we have now in Jesus. We have been raised up (aorist tense) with Jesus, and we’re (currently) seated with Him in the heavenlies (Ephesians 1:6). This means no matter the difficulties of this world, we can experience peace and comfort now. We can live our best life starting now! That is the promise of the empty tomb. Praise God!
Logos Answers
Speaking of new things, the Ihle Crew has started pursuing a new mission work. We had for the past few years been making plans to relocate to Asia to focus on reaching Chinese speakers with the gospel. However, it had become increasingly clear that the Sovereign God who knows all things and directs the steps of the humble had a different idea in mind. Taiwan is still closed to international travel, and heavy restrictions remain in place in other countries in the region. After much deliberation, we concluded that it was best to pursue a different mission work.
Jesus told His disciples in Mark 16:15, “Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Jesus made it clear that He wants the gospel preached to absolutely everybody, not just a select group of people who speak the most popular languages. Of course, the way that command was played out is that the disciples preached the gospel on the day of Pentecost in many native languages. They did not preach only in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, or Aramaic—the “universal” languages of the day. But rather, the Spirit empowered them to speak in even obscure local languages.
Based on this, we came up with the idea of doing mission work online. It is now possible with digital networks and artificial intelligence to reach the world with the gospel like never before. We can preach the word not only Chinese, but also dozens of other languages. Scott’s work experience in international and technology marketing helped to prepare us for this realization. It is possible for us to influence far more souls this way than to be based in a foreign country.

So, we made the decision to relocate back to Atlanta. Basing with our sponsoring congregation, Woodstock, Scott will spend most of his days developing animated video content, coordinating translations into dozens of languages, and working with local missionaries throughout the world to evangelize through digital networks. We are calling the platform Logos Answers. That is because the content will focus on showing the lost (people who do not know Jesus) that the Logos (the Word) has the answers to all of life’s important questions.
In addition, we will still be planning several short-term mission trips overseas per year. For example, we are planning to travel to Mongolia as a family in July to encourage, evangelize, and to translate and record Bible lessons. Scott is also planning trips to India, Philippines, and Malaysia.
Fundraising Status
Many thanks to all our supporters who made our time in Denver and relocation back to Atlanta possible. We are very excited about our future work. We believe that it really has the potential to reach thousands of souls with the gospel throughout the world.
Since we are full-time dedicated to spreading the gospel and teaching the word throughout the world, we still rely on the generous support of the church—both congregations and individuals. Besides our individual support as a family, this mission work will function somewhat like a non-profit startup business. There are technology, travel, and tax expenses associated with this kind of work.
If you already support us, thank you, you are making a difference! If not, we ask that you consider recurring support. We are currently about 50% supported for our living expenses and mission expenses. At the minimum, we hope that you will continue to pray for us. The Lord is capable and eager to empower every good work for Him.
-The Ihle Crew