Last month was a month of big steps for us. We made the decision to go into missions full-time, and immediately the first thing we had to do is get our house ready to sell.

This was one of the hardest parts for us. We love this house! Not to be too dramatic, but we felt the sting of what Jesus told the rich young ruler about selling his possessions to follow Jesus. This has been our favorite house thus far, and it is so easy to visualize us spending the rest of our lives in this neighborhood in comfort and security. But the Lord calls us on to more important things!
What kind of missionary will I be? - What I learned from Polishing the Pulpit
Another first for us was a trip to Polishing the Pulpit. What a great experience! We had the opportunity to hear some great lessons while also having fellowship with old acquaintances from the past and new friends from Bear Valley!

One of my main objectives while there was to learn from other missionaries. I wanted to learn where to go, what has worked for others in the past, and what will be best for the entire family. The feedback I received from others was very encouraging.
Here is what I learned, or if you will, what I have adopted as my own personal missionary manifesto:
1. Plant new congregations
Converting one soul would be enough to rejoice. Converting one soul who will then convert another establishes a new congregation! Training and leaving the new congregation with sound doctrine makes it self-sustaining. Which means...
2. Be flexible and adaptable
When it's time to move on to share the good news somewhere else, I need to be ready to walk though that door. I heard many stories at PTP where the missionary wanted to stay in one place or head in one direction, but they recognized that God had another door to open for them. I will heed the call to go preach the gospel in new and unexpected locations (Acts 16:6-10)
3. Be sent
I learned the importance of finding an eldership significantly committed to and supportive of the work. The mutual fund approach of diversifying and supporting many missionaries means we have a lot of missionaries with one to many relationships with congregations. In this arrangement, missionaries are consumed with fundraising and travelling, which takes them away from spreading the gospel. Alternatively, elderships can be better enablers of the mission by more significantly supporting fewer works. As I talk with congregations about supporting us through preaching school, I will also be looking ahead for those interested in sending a worker on a mission.
4. Work alongside another missionary companion
Paul never went alone. That is a recipe for discouragement and burnout. One of my main objectives going into Bear Valley will be to find a like minded missionary to partner with.
5. Evangelize to those who I love
We should evangelize to everyone and love everyone, right? Well, yes, but... I went to PTP thinking that I needed to discover which country I should work in, but the question I kept getting in return is, 'Which country do you want to work in?' I guess we do gravitate toward certain types of people. Because if we don't have a burning compassion for someone's lost soul, we won't evangelize to them. For me, I admitted to myself that I have greater compassion toward youth and cultures which are closed off from the truth. So, maybe I should work in countries that will allow me to focus on that!
Garrison's Open Heart Surgery

In case you didn't know, our newest addition, Garrison, was born on April 5, 8 weeks premature. He has done well and put on the pounds since then. Really, his last remaining issue he faces is two heart defects.
On September 3, Garrison will go into CHOA Egleston for open heart surgery. The heart surgeons expect the procedure to be quite routine, and they expect him to have a normal life ahead of him. But of course there are still risks, and we need the blessing of our heavenly Father!
Please be praying for Garrison's surgery and his recovery!
Thank you for all your love and support.
-The Ihle Crew
With the attitude you have right now, and having the faith you are showing, God will open just the right place for you to be. A lot of hard studying is coming, but you will make it. Been there, done that, and never looked back. God bless you and your sweet family. Look forward to seeing what will be coming your way.