August Highlights
Our daughter, Samantha made her sincere confession and was baptized into Christ.
We launched the Logo Answers website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel in the Cambodian language of Khmer.
At Woodstock, Scott taught a course on the Intertestamental Period, and a class on the topic of generosity.
Alexis and the kids started another year of homeschooling.
Scottie was accepted into JROTC at King’s Academy as an 8th grader.
Scott taught a course over Zoom on the book of Daniel for the Restoration School of Preaching in India.
Scott also taught on the summer series at the Madison congregation (Psalm 145) and the Piedmont Rd. congregation (Authentic Evangelism) in Atlanta.
Logos Answers Statistics for July–August:
| Lessons Published | Visits / Views | Interactions |
English | 1 | 222 | 26 |
Tagalog | 1 | 15 | 1 |
Arabic | 1 | 8 | 0 |
Mongolian | 1 | 265 | 6 |
Khmer | 1 | 14 | 2 |
Logos Answers in Khmer

In August, we were able to launch our Logos Answers sites in the Khmer language. Khmer (pronounced kĕmai) is the language of Cambodia. 18.4 million people in the world speak Khmer as their native language. There are another 2 million people who live in Cambodia and speak Khmer as a second language.
93% of the Cambodian population is Buddhist. Unofficial estimates place the number of Protestant Christians at less than 2% of the entire population. The good news is that Christianity is rapidly growing in Cambodia. It is the 9th fastest growing Christian population in the world. It is projected to overtake Islam as the second religion in Cambodia in the very near future.
The church appears to be strong and vibrant. I follow Cambodian preachers on Facebook, and they seem to be active in teaching and evangelism. Bear Valley has a Bible school there, and a Bear Valley elder teaches and travels there regularly with his wife. The church there has also been actively participating in our work. They have helped with translations, and they are excited to begin sharing our website. One preacher even took the initiative to have several of our lessons published in pamphlet form for distribution to his community.
In September, Scottie and I will be traveling to Cambodia and the Philippines. My main project will be to teach a short course on the book of Daniel to a preaching school in Siem Reap. In addition, we plan to visit with congregations in Phnom Penh, and in Manilla, Philippines. We request your special prayers for our busy upcoming trip.

Samantha’s Baptism
Our three children are blessed to be growing up in an active Christian home. Alexis and I did not grow up with the same privilege. We had to make a lot of mistakes before we obeyed the gospel in college.
With our children, we wanted to make sure it was 100% their decision, with complete understanding of its significance and the commitment that comes along with it. Samantha has been inquiring to be baptized for several months now. When we first talked with her about it, we all concluded that she wasn’t ready. She still had so much innocence. However, over the next several months, we did study all the relevant Biblical passages on repentance, baptism, and life-long discipleship. Finally, a few weeks ago, she decided she wanted to be baptized, and there was no hesitation in her decision. Now she was able to enter into her new personal life with Christ through baptism. And we are so thrilled and proud of her.
Teaching God’s Word in the Classroom

One of my favorite ministries in the church is getting to teach the Bible in the classroom, whether that be in person, or online. I enjoy every time I have the opportunity to preach, but I especially appreciate teaching Bible classes. I love seeing the Bible come alive in other peoples’ hearts and minds.
With your generous support, we are able to dedicate our time to teaching the Bible, wherever we might be needed. Sometimes that might be overseas, sometimes on Zoom, and sometimes even in our own backyard.
We want to thank you for providing for us the ability to do this ministry. If we were a located full-time at one congregation, we would likely not have the capacity to step up and teach where the need is the greatest. That might not always be in front of the biggest crowds, and it is hardly ever predictable. But it is greatly needed because there are many Bible students out there without the quantity and quality of teachers we have here in our churches in the US.
-The Ihle Crew